Earlier this year, one of the ladies in my “Living Above Worry & Stress” class, shared the tiny devotional book “Too Blessed to be Stressed”, by Debora M Coty. These are 3 minute daily devotions (for women) that have some poignant and uplifting gems.
One of the first concepts I connected with on a “Home & Heart'' level was: “Living life after all, is a series of conscious decisions, an act of will. So it’s up to us to choose to slow down enough to enjoy snapshots of beauty - that bring rest and peace to our weary souls.” What practice of encouragement are you engaging in as part of your daily wellness routine - to assist you in moving through these challenging times? I’m of the belief that we all need something. In addition to daily rituals of dance, yoga, spiritual devotions, piano, prayer, and aromatherapy baths, one of my new weekly practices has been a “Celebration Tea” on Friday afternoons. Each week, I share a zoom link on Instagram or Facebook, for anyone who wants to join me; but even if it’s just me, I take the time to pour myself a cup of tea in a lovely tea cup, and sit and write about what I’m grateful for... One of the tea cups I use, was given to me by my dear “Aunt” Y, who passed away this summer. When my sister and I landed in Canada in the late 1960s, we first met this Aunt and Uncle (who had become friends with my parents while my dad was studying at the University years before). They were the first loving Canadian faces we saw, and throughout my childhood, teen years, and adulthood, they were there for birthdays, holidays, graduations, piano recitals, weddings, and many special events! One of the most delightful things about Aunt Y (and there were many) was her love of and presentation of tea (time) during our visits. Everything was always simple, but unapologetically pretty. We would laugh, chat, and share in the simple beauty of it all. She felt my delight, and I felt hers. A few years ago, I woke up one morning with the realization that I didn’t want her to ever die. I felt it so deeply that I ended up sharing this with her. We both shed a few tears, but it was a precious and priceless exchange. In recent years, as her health declined, we each knew that each conversation could be the last, so bit by bit we shared our gratitude for each other, and said our good-byes. Even as I write this, tears come to my eyes, but when I learned of her passing, I found myself just flooded with gratitude - that this woman had been a part of the “fabric of my being"; that I had been blessed and protected by her, learned so much from her, and shared so many moments of joy. Whom or what have you loved or lost that became part of the foundation of who you are? Who has blessed your life? What are you most grateful for this Thanksgiving? As my friend and a dear sister homemaker, I wish you the most beautiful, balanced, and serene “Celebrations of Gratitude” in your Home and Heart! Love always, Janene |